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Hello, and welcome.

My e-mail address is bauerle@ucsc.edu should you wish to contact me.

It’s not new, but it’s pretty (awesome), and it is my favorite formula:

Euler's Identity: e^(i * pi) + 1 =0

This is called Euler’s identity and is arguably the most amazing and beautiful mathematical formula. It combines in a simple statement the five most important constants in mathematics, 0,1, e, pi and i, with the arguably most important mathematical operations, addition, multiplication and exponentiation, related by the most fundamental relation in all of mathematics: equality.

Find out more about it here or here. More info on the great Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler can be found here. Not long ago was the 300th (!) anniversary of his birth.

A link for the adventurous Calculus Student: http://www.math.tamu.edu/~tom.vogel/gallery/gallery.html

Some good web sites for info or help on the mathematics are:



